Signs of Excess UV Exposure to the Eyes

It’s no secret by now that excess UV exposure can damage the eyes and lead to vision problems. But many people don’t realize how much UV exposure constitutes an excess. It actually doesn’t take that much to cause damage. For example, a day out on the beach in the Florida sunshine can damage the eyes unless you wear UV-rated sunglasses and take other steps to protect your eyes. Here are some signs of excess UV exposure that you should learn:


This is a long word for a condition commonly referred to as sunburn of the eyes. It causes a gritty, sandy sensation in the eyes, redness, pain and swelling. With care, it can subside within 24-48 hours. However, if you continually expose your eyes to the sun in this way, the results can be more long-lasting.


More commonly known as surfer’s eye, this is a long-term condition that results in a growth on the white surface of the eye. This growth can be removed, but it often leads to discomfort and vision impairment.


Did you know that not wearing sunglasses makes you a higher risk for developingcataracts in Jacksonville, FL? This condition, which inhibits vision, involves clouding of the lens of the eye. The cataract won’t go away without surgery. In the meantime, it will continue to grow and worsen over time.

Macular degeneration

This is another sign that you’ve had too much UV exposure. Although not always caused by UV rays, macular degeneration has been linked to a lack of protection from the sun.

Many of these signs can be prevented by simply donning a pair of UV-rated sunglasses whenever you’re outside. For help with any of the conditions listed above, or to book your nexteye exam in Jacksonville, FL, contact Stam & Associates Eye Care today.

Understanding Neurolenses

If you have yet to hear about neurolenses in Jacksonville, FL, you’ll be excited to learn more about this technologically advanced vision correction solution. If you wear prescription eyeglasses, you owe it to yourself to ask your optometrist about neurolenses.

What Are Neurolenses?

Neurolenses are a special type of prescription eyeglass lens uniquely made for our modern world. These lenses are specially designed to reduce or eliminate eye strain, headaches, and other symptoms commonly associated with viewing screens for the better part of the day. Think of all the times that you use screens in your daily activities at work, leisure and school:

  • GPS in the car
  • Computers at work
  • Gaming at home
  • Recipe lookups in the kitchen
  • Smart TVs at home
  • And much more…

Neurolenses are different from traditional prescription eyewear lenses in several ways:

Patented Technology

Neurolenses make use of a patented technology called contoured prism. This technology helps to align the eyes more comfortably when a person is doing close-up work, like looking at a computer screen, by adjusting the amount of prism throughout the lens.

Focus on Digital Use

Traditional eyeglass lenses are typically optimized for distance vision, up-close activities like reading, or both, as in the case of bifocals or progressive lenses. Neurolenses, on the other hand, are optimized for viewing digital devices from various angles and at varying distances.

Eye Alignment Correction

The patented technology in neurolenses works to correct the slight misalignment of the eyes that can occur when focusing on near objects. This misalignment can lead to strain as the brain works to correct it. This is a very common problem that standard lenses don’t typically address.

Talk to your optometrist in Jacksonville, FL, today about neurolenses. They just might be the prescription eyewear solution you’ve been waiting for!

4 Reasons to Schedule an Eye Exam

Taking care of your eyes is essential. However, far too many people fail to visit the eye doctor on a regular basis. This can lead to developing eye conditions and various vision problems. Early detection can help treat these issues before they become more problematic.

Are you ready to have your eyes and vision checked? Keep reading to learn 4 reasons to schedule an eye exam today.

Helps treat eye and vision problems

Experiencing eye and vision issues is common for many people. You may have dry eyes, or cataracts, or you simply need reading glasses. Whatever the case may be, having a proper diagnosis is key. If you wait too long to see an eye doctor, these conditions usually become worse. Early detection is a great way to limit discomfort and do what’s best for your vision.

Detects issues before they get worse

If you have eye problems like light sensitivity, itchy eyes, blurry vision, or eye fatigue, you’ll want to make an appointment with an eye care specialist. These experts can run various tests to learn more about your eye condition. If you experience any of these issues, make sure to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Waiting too long could mean more pain and complications, including higher treatment costs.

Interested in seeing an eye care professional? Contact Stam & Associates Eye Care today for the most dependable eye exams in Jacksonville, FL!

Keeps you safe in everyday life

Seeing an eye doctor isn’t only important for reducing pain and discomfort and keeping you safe. As we use our eyes every single day when driving, cutting food, and using machinery, it’s important to keep our vision sharp. Blurry vision or difficulty seeing can lead to life-threatening situations.

Helps detect underlying medical conditions

Our vision and eyes can help detect other health issues throughout the body. A comprehensive eye exam can find problems like high cholesterol, hypertension, and diabetes.

Ready to schedule an eye exam? Contact Stam & Associates Eye Care today to work with our trusted optometrist in Jacksonville, FL!


How an Improper Prescription Can Wreak Havoc on Your Vision

When you put off getting the vision care you need or wear an old pair of glasses that is no longer effective, you could be doing more damage to your eye health than you realize. Your eyes must work extra hard as you strain to see through an old pair of glasses. You could end up with a stronger prescription than you would have otherwise once you schedule an appointment for an updated eyeglass prescription in Jacksonville, FL.

Make It a Point to Have Your Vision Checked Every Two Years

The American Optometric Association advises healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 64 to schedule a full eye exam every other year. Children need more frequent visits due to changes to their eye structure, as do adults with certain optometric conditions like glaucoma, diabetes, or cataracts. Be sure to work out an eye exam schedule that works best with your current eye health.

Signs That You May Need to Replace Your Current Eyeglasses

Vision changes happen slowly over time, so you aren’t likely to notice them all at once. We recommend that you schedule a vision check appointment if you notice one or more of these issues:

  • Blurry vision
  • Frequent eye strain after driving, reading, or using the computer
  • You no longer have crispness or clarity to your sight

Sometimes, people can have blurry vision in one eye without realizing it because the other eye compensates for it. Try covering up one of your eyes and looking through the other eye to determine if anything looks blurry.

Request an Eye Exam in Jacksonville, FL Today

Stam & Associates cares about our patients and doesn’t want to see anyone needlessly suffer. Please schedule an appointment right away if you’re concerned that you could be experiencing vision changes and could benefit from stronger corrective lenses.

Why You Should Try Neurolenses

In today’s fast-paced world, our eyes are constantly put to the test. From staring at screens to adjusting to different lighting conditions, it’s no wonder that many of us experience eye strain, headaches, and other vision-related issues. Enter Neurolenses, an innovative solution that can help alleviate these symptoms and improve overall visual comfort. Here’s why you should consider giving Neurolenses a try.

Customized Vision Correction

Neurolenses are tailored to your unique visual needs, taking into account not only your prescription but also the way your eyes work together. By correcting eye misalignment and improving binocular vision, Neurolenses in Jacksonville, FL can help reduce the strain on your visual system, providing a more comfortable and personalized vision correction experience.

Relief from Digital Eye Strain

With the increasing use of digital devices, more and more people are experiencing digital eye strain, characterized by symptoms such as dry eyes, headaches, and neck pain. Neurolenses are designed to address the root cause of these issues, reducing the strain on your eyes and providing relief from the discomfort associated with extended screen time.

Enhanced Visual Comfort for All Ages

Neurolenses can benefit individuals of all ages, from children to older adults. By improving eye alignment and reducing visual strain, these lenses can enhance visual comfort in various situations, from reading and writing to watching TV and using digital devices. Neurolenses can be a game-changer for those struggling with vision-related discomfort, regardless of their age or lifestyle.

Supported by Eye Care Professionals

Many eye care professionals recognize the potential of Neurolenses in improving patients’ visual comfort and overall eye health. By working closely with your eye doctor to determine if Neurolenses are right for you, you can be confident that you’re making an informed decision backed by expert advice.

Neurolenses offer a promising solution for those seeking relief from eye strain, headaches, and other vision-related issues such as alignment. These lenses can significantly improve your quality of life. Don’t hesitate to discuss Neurolenses with your eye doctor in Jacksonville, FL and explore the benefits they could bring to your daily routine.